GitLab Enterprise Editionセミナーを開催いたします。#gitlab

2017年12月13日(水)にGitLab Enterprise Editionセミナーを開催いたします。
本セミナーでは単一のアプリケーションで、ソフトウェアの開発から運用のライフサイクル全体まで活用可能な開発プラットフォーム「GitLab EnterpriseEdition」をGitLab社のメンバーを迎えてデモや事例を交えてご紹介します。
講師:Michael Alessio氏
GitLab Director of Global Alliances
BIO: Michael has been helping customers choose, deploy, and use software development tools since the 80's at companies like Borland, Symantec, Gupta, and Perforce. Michael is passionate about building teams and business in the far-flung corners of the world. When not working, Michael is an award winning wine maker and heavily involved in the local Boy Scouts.
講師:Jim Torres GitLab Channel Sales Manager
BIO:Jim Torres has been working with data and technology for more than 20 years after getting a bachelor degree in electrical engineering (BSEE). He has extensive experience in helping reseller development worldwide and increasing customer adoption of new and existing technology to advance business value. Jim has worked in several startups as well as established companies such as GE Digital and has experience with multiple markets such as Finance, Telecom, Healthcare and Industrial to name just a few. Jim works effectively to provide value to all markets, customers and resellers.
講師:Xiaogang Wen(温小刚)氏
GitLab Solutions Architect
BIO:Mr. Xiaogang Wen has been working in the software industry for more than 15 years after getting a master degree of engineering. He has rich experiences in DevOps, operation automation, CI/CD, build acceleration and helping customer success in APAC. Prior to Gitlab he worked for Electric Cloud, Nokia and Nortel.
名称 | GitLab Enterprise Editionセミナー |
日程 | 2017年12月13日(水) |
時間 | 15:00 - 17:30 (受付開始 14:30) |
会場 | Shibaura House 5F |
主催 | GitLab Inc, 、クリエーションライン株式会社 |
費用 | 無償(事前登録、抽選制) |
定員 | 30 名 |
問い合わせ | Mail: |
参加証 | 抽選の上、12月6日を目処に対象者の方には個別に参加証を送付させて頂きます |
15:00-15:05 ご挨拶+概要説明
15:05-15:35 GitLab概説、今後のプロダクト戦略(Complete DevOps) (英語 逐次通訳あり)
講師:Michael Alessio GitLab Director of Global Alliances
講師:Jim Torres GitLab Channel Sales Manager
GitLab及びGitLab Enterprise Editionの概説と、協業製品との違いについても解説いたします。
15:35-16:00 日本でのGitLabの現状と提供サービスについて(日本語)
Creationline Inc. Director of DevOps Team
スピーカー2:野口 卓也 (株式会社アイリッジ 開発グループ、GitLab Core Team、GitLab Meetup Tokyo/GitLab .JP共同オーガナイザー)
16:00-17:00 GitLab Enterprise Edition解説(英語 逐次通訳あり)
講師:Xiaogang Wen(温小刚) GitLab Solutions Architect
・Auto DevOps Demo (15min)
・GitLab GEO Demo (10min)
・LDAP Integration (10min)
・License model (10min)
・Q&A (5min)
17:05-17:30 Retro with Tea