
softlayer-api-ruby-client で Virtual Server を作成する #softlayer


Virtual Server を作成するもう1つの方法

前回の記事では、softlayer-api-ruby-clientSoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject を用いて Virtual Server を作成しました。
実は SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject は Overview に「This
method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly.」とあるように、システムを注文するためのシンプルな代替メソッドです。
本記事ではそのメソッド SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder および SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder を用いて Virtual Server を作成する方法を紹介します。

SoftLayer_Product_Order サービス

SoftLayer_Product_Order サービスとは、さまざまな SoftLayer のサービスを新規あるいは追加注文するためのメソッドを提供します。
そのメソッドのうち、注文の検証を行う SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder と実際に注文を行う SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder を見てみましょう。

まず、SoftLayer_Product_Order サービスを通して行う注文は極めて複雑です。
ただ複雑と言われても想像しにくいと思いますので、SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObjectSoftLayer_Product_Order で扱う注文データを比較してみましょう。
作成する Virtual Server は、前回の記事で扱ったものと同じ次のようにします。

  • ホスト名: test-年月日時分秒
  • ドメイン名: example.jp
  • CPUコア数: 1
  • メモリ: 1024MB
  • 課金: 時
  • ディスク: ローカルディスク
  • ブロックデバイス: 0番 25GB
  • データセンター: サンノゼ
  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 (amd64)
  • ネットワーク: 10Mbps

SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject での注文データ

template = {}

template['hostname'] = 'test-%s' % Time.now.strftime( '%F%T' ).gsub(/\D/, '' )
template['domain'] = 'example.jp'
template['startCpus'] = 1
template['maxMemory'] = 1024
template['hourlyBillingFlag'] = true
template['localDiskFlag'] = true
template['blockDevices'] = [ { 'device' => 0,
'diskImage' => { 'capacity' => 25 } } ]
template['datacenter'] = { 'name' => 'sjc01' }
template['operatingSystemReferenceCode'] = 'UBUNTU_12_64'
template['networkComponents'] = [ { 'maxSpeed' => 10 } ]


SoftLayer_Product_Order での注文データ

product_order = {}

product_order['complexType'] = 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest'
product_order['quantity'] = 1
product_order['virtualGuests'] = [
{ 'hostname' => 'test-%s' % Time.now.strftime( '%F%T' ).gsub(/\D/, '' ),
'domain' => 'example.jp' }
product_order['location'] = 168642
product_order['packageId'] = 46
product_order['useHourlyPricing'] = true
product_order['prices'] = [
{ 'id' => 1640 },
{ 'id' => 1644 },
{ 'id' => 905 },
{ 'id' => 272 },
{ 'id' => 1800 },
{ 'id' => 21 },
{ 'id' => 13899 },
{ 'id' => 17446 },
{ 'id' => 55 },
{ 'id' => 57 },
{ 'id' => 58 },
{ 'id' => 420 },
{ 'id' => 418 },


SoftLayer_Product_Order での注文 ID の確認

Virtual Guest Ordering には一覧を表示するプログラムが掲載されているので、それを少し変更したものを次に示します。


require 'softlayer_api'
require 'pp'

# fill your SoftLayer API username and API key

softlayer_product_package = SoftLayer::Service.new("SoftLayer_Product_Package",
:username => api_username,
:api_key => api_key,

virtual_guest_package = softlayer_product_package.object_with_id( 46 )

virtual_guest_configuration = virtual_guest_package.object_mask("isRequired","itemCategory").getConfiguration()

# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration
item_prices = virtual_guest_package.object_mask("id", "item.description", "categories.id").getItemPrices()

virtual_guest_configuration.each do |configuration_entry|
if configuration_entry['isRequired'] == 1
print 'Required '
print 'Optional '

puts "Category \"#{configuration_entry['itemCategory']['name']}\" -- #{configuration_entry['itemCategory']['id']}:"
category_prices = item_prices.map do |item|
item["categories"].map do |category|
item if category["id"] == configuration_entry["itemCategory"]["id"]
end if item.include?("categories")
category_prices.each do |category_price|
puts "\t #{category_price['id']} -- #{category_price['item']['description']}"


この中に46というマジックナンバーがまぎれていますが、これはVirtual Guestsを示す ID です。

Optional Category "New Cloud Customer Setup" -- 95:
1798 -- Account Setup Fee
Optional Category "EVault Plugin" -- 57:
Required Category "Computing Instance" -- 80:
1642 -- 4 x 2.0 GHz Cores
1962 -- Private 1 x 2.0 GHz Core
1963 -- Private 2 x 2.0 GHz Cores
2156 -- 1 x 2.0 GHz Internal Core
1641 -- 2 x 2.0 GHz Cores
1965 -- Private 8 x 2.0 GHz Cores
2231 -- 12 x 2.0 GHz Cores
1964 -- Private 4 x 2.0 GHz Cores
1643 -- 8 x 2.0 GHz Cores
2235 -- 16 x 2.0 GHz Cores
1640 -- 1 x 2.0 GHz Core
Optional Category "Surcharges" -- 315:
14022 -- International Services
Required Category "RAM" -- 3:
1647 -- 8 GB
1645 -- 2 GB
1646 -- 4 GB
37042 -- 64 GB
1644 -- 1 GB
22422 -- 48 GB
1927 -- 16 GB
21275 -- 32 GB
2238 -- 6 GB
2243 -- 12 GB
Required Category "Remote Management" -- 46:
905 -- Reboot / Remote Console
Required Category "Uplink Port Speeds" -- 26:
274 -- 1 Gbps Public & Private Network Uplinks
14064 -- 10 Mbps Private Network Uplink
273 -- 100 Mbps Public & Private Network Uplinks
272 -- 10 Mbps Public & Private Network Uplinks
898 -- 100 Mbps Private Network Uplink
897 -- 10 Mbps Private Network Uplink
899 -- 1 Gbps Private Network Uplink
Required Category "Public Bandwidth" -- 10:
131 -- 10000 GB Bandwidth
1800 -- 0 GB Bandwidth
1123 -- 73000 GB Bandwidth
129 -- 6000 GB Bandwidth
36 -- Unlimited Bandwidth (10 Mbps Uplink)
125 -- Unlimited Bandwidth (100 Mbps Uplink)
130 -- 8000 GB Bandwidth
248 -- 5000 GB Bandwidth
2134 -- 54000 GB Bandwidth
126 -- 3000 GB Bandwidth
262 -- 5000 GB Bandwidth
22505 -- 0 GB Bandwidth
Required Category "Primary IP Addresses" -- 13:
21 -- 1 IP Address
Optional Category "Public Secondary IP Addresses" -- 14:
23 -- 8 Public IP Addresses
22 -- 4 Public IP Addresses
Optional Category "Public Static IPv6 Addresses" -- 69:
1481 -- /64 Block Static Public IPv6 Addresses
Optional Category "Primary IPv6 Addresses" -- 325:
17129 -- 1 IPv6 Address
Optional Category "Managed Resource" -- 123:
Required Category "First Disk" -- 81:
2202 -- 25 GB (SAN)
13754 -- 25 GB (SAN) COW
14016 -- 25 GB (SAN) - BETA
13899 -- 25 GB (LOCAL)
1639 -- 100 GB (SAN)
17256 -- 100 GB (LOCAL) COW
13887 -- 100 GB (LOCAL)
13760 -- 100 GB (SAN) COW
17255 -- 25 GB (LOCAL) COW
Optional Category "Storage Backend Upgrade" -- 349:
22017 -- Storage Backend Upgrade
Optional Category "Second Disk" -- 82:
2264 -- 200 GB (SAN)
13916 -- 100 GB (LOCAL)
2272 -- 250 GB (SAN)
2259 -- 50 GB (SAN)
2279 -- 1,000 GB (SAN)
14011 -- 150 GB (LOCAL)
2266 -- 350 GB (SAN)
2278 -- 750 GB (SAN)
13897 -- 200 GB (LOCAL)
2257 -- 30 GB (SAN)
2265 -- 300 GB (SAN)
2281 -- 2,000 GB (SAN)
2270 -- 500 GB (SAN)
2258 -- 40 GB (SAN)
2260 -- 75 GB (SAN)
21861 -- 25 GB (SAN)
2256 -- 20 GB (SAN)
2261 -- 125 GB (SAN)
2262 -- 150 GB (SAN)
2280 -- 1,500 GB (SAN)
21132 -- 40 GB (LOCAL)
2277 -- 100 GB (SAN)
2255 -- 10 GB (SAN)
2263 -- 175 GB (SAN)
2267 -- 400 GB (SAN)
13898 -- 300 GB (LOCAL)
13958 -- 250 GB (LOCAL)
21857 -- 25 GB (LOCAL)
Optional Category "Third Disk" -- 92:
2264 -- 200 GB (SAN)
2272 -- 250 GB (SAN)
2259 -- 50 GB (SAN)
2279 -- 1,000 GB (SAN)
2266 -- 350 GB (SAN)
2278 -- 750 GB (SAN)
2257 -- 30 GB (SAN)
2265 -- 300 GB (SAN)
2281 -- 2,000 GB (SAN)
2270 -- 500 GB (SAN)
2258 -- 40 GB (SAN)
2260 -- 75 GB (SAN)
21861 -- 25 GB (SAN)
2256 -- 20 GB (SAN)
2261 -- 125 GB (SAN)
2262 -- 150 GB (SAN)
2280 -- 1,500 GB (SAN)
2277 -- 100 GB (SAN)
2255 -- 10 GB (SAN)
2263 -- 175 GB (SAN)
2267 -- 400 GB (SAN)
Optional Category "Fourth Disk" -- 93:
2264 -- 200 GB (SAN)
2272 -- 250 GB (SAN)
2259 -- 50 GB (SAN)
2279 -- 1,000 GB (SAN)
2266 -- 350 GB (SAN)
2278 -- 750 GB (SAN)
2257 -- 30 GB (SAN)
2265 -- 300 GB (SAN)
2281 -- 2,000 GB (SAN)
2270 -- 500 GB (SAN)
2258 -- 40 GB (SAN)
2260 -- 75 GB (SAN)
21861 -- 25 GB (SAN)
2256 -- 20 GB (SAN)
2261 -- 125 GB (SAN)
2262 -- 150 GB (SAN)
2280 -- 1,500 GB (SAN)
2277 -- 100 GB (SAN)
2255 -- 10 GB (SAN)
2263 -- 175 GB (SAN)
2267 -- 400 GB (SAN)
Optional Category "Fifth Disk" -- 116:
2264 -- 200 GB (SAN)
2272 -- 250 GB (SAN)
2259 -- 50 GB (SAN)
2279 -- 1,000 GB (SAN)
2266 -- 350 GB (SAN)
2278 -- 750 GB (SAN)
2257 -- 30 GB (SAN)
2265 -- 300 GB (SAN)
2281 -- 2,000 GB (SAN)
2270 -- 500 GB (SAN)
2258 -- 40 GB (SAN)
2260 -- 75 GB (SAN)
21861 -- 25 GB (SAN)
2256 -- 20 GB (SAN)
2261 -- 125 GB (SAN)
2262 -- 150 GB (SAN)
2280 -- 1,500 GB (SAN)
2277 -- 100 GB (SAN)
2255 -- 10 GB (SAN)
2263 -- 175 GB (SAN)
2267 -- 400 GB (SAN)
Optional Category "Network Attached Storage" -- 15:
22429 -- 1 GB NAS
49 -- 100 GB NAS
48 -- 80 GB NAS
50 -- 250 GB NAS
47 -- 40 GB NAS
1152 -- 500 GB NAS
46 -- 20 GB NAS
Optional Category "EVault" -- 52:
1046 -- 40GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
19027 -- 175GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
1045 -- 20GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
1049 -- 500GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
19048 -- 1500GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
1050 -- 1000GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
1048 -- 250GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
1403 -- 30GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
2028 -- 60GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
19034 -- 350GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
1047 -- 100GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
19041 -- 750GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
1812 -- 2000GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
13692 -- 50GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
Required Category "Operating System" -- 12:
1703 -- Windows Server 2003 Enterprise SP2 with R2 (64 bit)
1686 -- CentOS 5.x - LAMP Install (32 bit)
1692 -- Ubuntu Linux 8 LTS Hardy Heron - Minimal Install (32 bit)
1697 -- Debian GNU/Linux 5.x Lenny/Stable - Minimal Install (64 bit)
1742 -- Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2 (32bit)
1860 -- Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition (64bit)
1969 -- Windows 7 Professional 32 bit
2205 -- Fedora Release 13 (32bit) - LAMP Install
13947 -- CentOS 6.x - LAMP Install (64 bit)
13955 -- Fedora Release 15 (32bit) - Minimal Install
13957 -- Fedora Release 15 (64bit) - Minimal Install
14054 -- Debian GNU/Linux 6.x Squeeze/Stable - LAMP Install (32 bit)
20948 -- Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition (64 bit)
21074 -- Windows Server 2008 Standard SP1 with R2 (64 bit)
35433 -- Vyatta 6.6 Community Edition (64 bit)
37172 -- Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr - LAMP Install (32 bit)
37192 -- Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr - Minimal Install (32 bit)
13836 -- Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition SP2 (64bit)
13850 -- Windows Server 2008 Datacenter Edition SP2 (64bit)
2120 -- Windows Network Boot
2212 -- Fedora Release 13 (64bit) - Minimal Install
22174 -- Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit
22263 -- Debian GNU/Linux 7.x Wheezy/Stable - Minimal Install (32 bit)
36192 -- Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition (64bit)
37202 -- Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr - Minimal Install (64 bit)
1685 -- CentOS 5.x - Minimal Install (64 bit)
22384 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - LAMP Install (64 bit)
1696 -- Debian GNU/Linux 5.x Lenny/Stable - Minimal Install (32 bit)
2142 -- Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Minimal Install (32 bit)
2144 -- Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Minimal Install (64 bit)
2159 -- Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit
22395 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (32 bit)
22400 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit)
13938 -- CentOS 6.x - Minimal Install (32 bit)
13956 -- Fedora Release 15 (64bit) - LAMP Install
17446 -- Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Minimal Install (64 bit)
22255 -- Debian GNU/Linux 7.x Wheezy/Stable - LAMP Install (32 bit)
22259 -- Debian GNU/Linux 7.x Wheezy/Stable - LAMP Install (64 bit)
1701 -- Windows Server 2003 Standard SP2 with R2 (64 bit)
1702 -- Windows Server 2003 Enterprise SP2 with R2 (32 bit)
1687 -- CentOS 5.x - LAMP Install (64 bit)
22375 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - Minimal Install (64 bit)
1694 -- Ubuntu Linux 8 LTS Hardy Heron - LAMP Install (32 bit)
1699 -- Debian GNU/Linux 5.x Lenny/Stable - LAMP Install (64 bit)
1752 -- Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2 (64bit)
13835 -- Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition SP2 (32bit)
1857 -- Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition (64bit)
2139 -- Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - LAMP Install (32 bit)
2210 -- Fedora Release 13 (64bit) - LAMP Install
13954 -- Fedora Release 15 (32bit) - LAMP Install
14055 -- Debian GNU/Linux 6.x Squeeze/Stable - Minimal Install (32 bit)
17440 -- Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - LAMP Install (32 bit)
17442 -- Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - LAMP Install (64 bit)
17444 -- Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Minimal Install (32 bit)
21014 -- Windows Server 2012 Datacenter Edition (64bit)
22267 -- Debian GNU/Linux 7.x Wheezy/Stable - Minimal Install (64 bit)
22381 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - LAMP Install (32 bit)
1716 -- Windows Server 2003 Datacenter SP2 with R2 (32 bit)
2208 -- Fedora Release 13 (32bit) - Minimal Install
22394 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - LAMP Install (64 bit)
13794 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - LAMP Install (64 bit)
13945 -- CentOS 6.x - Minimal Install (64 bit)
17119 -- CloudLinux 6.x (64 bit)
21252 -- Vyatta 6.5 Community Edition (64 bit)
36270 -- Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SP1 with R2 (64 bit)
37182 -- Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS Trusty Tahr - LAMP Install (64 bit)
1689 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - Minimal Install (64 bit)
1827 -- Windows Vista Business SP2
17117 -- CloudLinux 6.x (32 bit)
17115 -- CloudLinux 5.x (64 bit)
1684 -- CentOS 5.x - Minimal Install (32 bit)
1688 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - Minimal Install (32 bit)
1695 -- Ubuntu Linux 8 LTS Hardy Heron - LAMP Install (64 bit)
1698 -- Debian GNU/Linux 5.x Lenny/Stable - LAMP Install (32 bit)
13799 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit)
13940 -- CentOS 6.x - LAMP Install (32 bit)
17113 -- CloudLinux 5.x (32 bit)
22178 -- Vyatta 6.5 Subscription Edition (64 bit)
580 -- Windows XP SP2
1700 -- Windows Server 2003 Standard SP2 with R2 (32 bit)
15318 -- CentOS 5.x - LAMP Install (64 bit)
22371 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - Minimal Install (32 bit)
1690 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - LAMP Install (32 bit)
1691 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - LAMP Install (64 bit)
1693 -- Ubuntu Linux 8 LTS Hardy Heron - Minimal Install (64 bit)
1715 -- Windows Server 2003 Datacenter SP2 with R2 (64 bit)
1816 -- Vyatta 6.4 Community Edition (64 bit)
13865 -- Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter Edition (64bit)
2140 -- Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - LAMP Install (64 bit)
22387 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - LAMP Install (32 bit)
13792 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - LAMP Install (32 bit)
13797 -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (32 bit)
14056 -- Debian GNU/Linux 6.x Squeeze/Stable - LAMP Install (64 bit)
14057 -- Debian GNU/Linux 6.x Squeeze/Stable - Minimal Install (64 bit)
36222 -- Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition (64 bit)
Optional Category "OS-Specific Addon" -- 34:
15390 -- RightLink
21276 -- VMware vCenter 5.1 Standard
21530 -- Idera Server Backup 5.0 Enterprise (Windows)
21526 -- Idera Server Backup 5.0 Enterprise (Linux)
17383 -- Idera Server Backup 3.0 Enterprise (Linux)
13915 -- Microsoft WebMatrix
17384 -- Idera Server Backup 3.0 Enterprise (Windows)
36542 -- VMware vCenter 5.5 Standard
Optional Category "CDP Addon" -- 329:
17396 -- Idera Disk Agent 10 Pack
17388 -- Idera Disk Agent 25 Pack
17386 -- Idera Disk Agent 5 Pack
21538 -- Idera Backup Agent 5 Pack
21542 -- Idera Backup Agent 10 Pack
21534 -- Idera Backup Agent 1 Pack
21546 -- Idera Backup Agent 25 Pack
Optional Category "Control Panel Software" -- 18:
20792 -- Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Windows) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
13704 -- Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Windows) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
20786 -- Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Windows) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
2339 -- Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Linux) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
20787 -- Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Linux) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
2340 -- Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Linux) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
20778 -- Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Linux) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
36756 -- cPanel/WHM with Softaculous and RVskin
1724 -- cPanel/WHM with Fantastico and RVskin
Optional Category "Database Software" -- 17:
94 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise
17283 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17278 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17273 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17296 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17307 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
1334 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard
2173 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Web R2
17285 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17281 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17280 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17275 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17274 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17301 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17297 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17316 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17315 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17311 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17310 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17309 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
21501 -- Riak 1.x
1330 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express
1340 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Web
2179 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express R2
17288 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17269 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17295 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17294 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17293 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17321 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17317 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17314 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
21610 -- Riak Enterprise 1.3.0
28 -- MySQL for Linux
1331 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise
17286 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17277 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17306 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17304 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17290 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17324 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17381 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express Edition
29 -- MySQL 5.0 for Windows
30 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express
90 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard
2180 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard R2
2176 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise R2
17276 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17300 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17322 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17279 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17272 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17302 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17298 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17319 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17308 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
20893 -- MongoDB
92 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Workgroup
2183 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Workgroup R2
17287 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17305 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17299 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17292 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17291 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17289 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
36274 -- MySQL 5.0.51 for Windows
1337 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Workgroup
17284 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17282 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web Edition
17303 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition
17323 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17320 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17318 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17313 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
17312 -- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition
36490 -- MySQL 5.7 for Windows
Optional Category "Web Analytics Software" -- 50:
Optional Category "Anti-Virus & Spyware Protection" -- 28:
594 -- McAfee VirusScan Anti-Virus - Windows
414 -- McAfee Total Protection - Windows
Optional Category "Insurance" -- 23:
104 -- Business Continuance Insurance
Required Category "Monitoring" -- 20:
55 -- Host Ping
56 -- Host Ping and TCP Service Monitoring
Required Category "Notification" -- 21:
57 -- Email and Ticket
Optional Category "Advanced Monitoring" -- 122:
2304 -- Monitoring Package - Premium Application
2302 -- Monitoring Package - Basic
2303 -- Monitoring Package - Advanced
Required Category "Response" -- 22:
59 -- Automated Reboot from Monitoring
60 -- NOC Monitoring
58 -- Automated Notification
Optional Category "Intrusion Detection & Protection" -- 29:
413 -- McAfee Host Intrusion Protection w/Reporting
Optional Category "Hardware & Software Firewalls" -- 30:
36236 -- 20Mbps Hardware Firewall
36245 -- 200Mbps Hardware Firewall
894 -- Microsoft Windows Firewall
409 -- 100Mbps Hardware Firewall
408 -- 1000Mbps Hardware Firewall
410 -- 10Mbps Hardware Firewall
411 -- APF Software Firewall for Linux
Required Category "VPN Management - Private Network" -- 31:
420 -- Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account
Required Category "Vulnerability Assessments & Management" -- 32:
418 -- Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting

これが Virtual Guests を作成する際に指定できる ID の一覧です。必須項目(Required)か任意項目(Optional)かも区別できるようになっています。

なお、データセンターの ID はこのプログラムでは取得できていません。サンノゼの ID は 168642 です。


# 80 -- Computing Instance
{ 'id' => 1640 }, # 1640 -- 1 x 2.0 GHz Core
# 3 -- RAM
{ 'id' => 1644 }, # 1644 -- 1 GB
# 46 -- Remote Management
{ 'id' => 905 }, # 905 -- Reboot / Remote Console
# 26 -- Uplink Port Speeds
{ 'id' => 272 }, # 272 -- 10 Mbps Public & Private Network Uplinks
# 10 -- Public Bandwidth
{ 'id' => 1800 }, # 1800 -- 0 GB Bandwidth
# 13 -- Primary IP Addresses
{ 'id' => 21 }, # 21 -- 1 IP Address
# 81 -- First Disk
{ 'id' => 13899 }, # 13899 -- 25 GB (LOCAL)
# 12 -- Operating System
{ 'id' => 17446 }, # 17446 -- Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Minimal Install (64 bit)
# 20 -- Monitoring
{ 'id' => 55 }, # 55 -- Host Ping
# 21 -- Notification
{ 'id' => 57 }, # 57 -- Email and Ticket
# 22 -- Response
{ 'id' => 58 }, # 58 -- Automated Notification
# 31 -- VPN Management - Private Network
{ 'id' => 420 }, # 420 -- Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account
# 32 -- Vulnerability Assessments & Management
{ 'id' => 418 }, # 418 -- Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting

SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder メソッド

では、この注文内容を SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder を用いて検証してみましょう。


require 'softlayer_api'
require 'pp'

# fill your SoftLayer API username and API key

# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest
product_order = {
'complexType' => 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest',
'quantity' => 1,
# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest
'virtualGuests' => [
'hostname' => 'test-%s' % Time.now.strftime( '%F%T' ).gsub(/\D/, '' ),
'domain' => 'example.jp'
'location' => 168642, # NOTE: 168642 is 'sjc01' location ID
'packageId' => 46, # NOTE: 46 is 'Virtual Guests' package ID
'useHourlyPricing' => true,
'prices' => [
# Required Categories
# 80 -- Computing Instance
{ 'id' => 1640 }, # 1640 -- 1 x 2.0 GHz Core
# 3 -- RAM
{ 'id' => 1644 }, # 1644 -- 1 GB
# 46 -- Remote Management
{ 'id' => 905 }, # 905 -- Reboot / Remote Console
# 26 -- Uplink Port Speeds
{ 'id' => 272 }, # 272 -- 10 Mbps Public & Private Network Uplinks
# 10 -- Public Bandwidth
{ 'id' => 1800 }, # 1800 -- 0 GB Bandwidth
# 13 -- Primary IP Addresses
{ 'id' => 21 }, # 21 -- 1 IP Address
# 81 -- First Disk
{ 'id' => 13899 }, # 13899 -- 25 GB (LOCAL)
# 12 -- Operating System
{ 'id' => 17446 }, # 17446 -- Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Minimal Install (64 bit)
# 20 -- Monitoring
{ 'id' => 55 }, # 55 -- Host Ping
# 21 -- Notification
{ 'id' => 57 }, # 57 -- Email and Ticket
# 22 -- Response
{ 'id' => 58 }, # 58 -- Automated Notification
# 31 -- VPN Management - Private Network
{ 'id' => 420 }, # 420 -- Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account
# 32 -- Vulnerability Assessments & Management
{ 'id' => 418 }, # 418 -- Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting
# Optional
# #
# { 'id' => }, #

# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order
product_order_service = SoftLayer::Service.new( 'SoftLayer_Product_Order',
:username => api_username,
:api_key => api_key,

# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder
result = product_order_service.verifyOrder( product_order )
puts "The order was verified successfully"
pp result
rescue => error_reason
puts "The order could not be verified by the server: #{error_reason}"



The order was verified successfully
"longName"=>"San Jose 1",
"name"=>"Computing Instance",
"description"=>"1 x 2.0 GHz Core",
[{"categoryCode"=>"ram", "id"=>3, "name"=>"RAM", "quantityLimit"=>0}],
"description"=>"1 GB",
"name"=>"Remote Management",
{"description"=>"Reboot / Remote Console",
"name"=>"Uplink Port Speeds",
"description"=>"10 Mbps Public & Private Network Uplinks",
"name"=>"Public Network Port",
"description"=>"10 Mbps Public Uplink",
"name"=>"Private Network Port",
"description"=>"10 Mbps Private Uplink",
"name"=>"Public Bandwidth",
"description"=>"0 GB Bandwidth",
"name"=>"Primary IP Addresses",
"description"=>"1 IP Address",
"name"=>"First Disk",
"description"=>"25 GB (LOCAL)",
"name"=>"Operating System",
"Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Minimal Install (64 bit)",
"longDescription"=>"Ubuntu / Ubuntu / 12.04-64 Minimal for VSI",
"version"=>"12.04-64 Minimal for VSI",
{"description"=>"Host Ping",
{"description"=>"Email and Ticket",
{"description"=>"Automated Notification",
"name"=>"VPN Management - Private Network",
{"description"=>"Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account",
"name"=>"Vulnerability Assessments & Management",
{"description"=>"Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting",


例えば、Optional Category である 410 -- 10Mbps Hardware Firewall を注文に含めてみましょう。ハードウェアファイアウォールを適用する Virtual Guests は課金が月額である必要があるので、時間課金としているこの注文が受け付けられません。

# Optional
{ 'id' => 410 },


The order could not be verified by the server: 10Mbps Hardware Firewall (410) is not available at an hourly rate.


SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder メソッド

SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder を用いて実際に注文してみましょう。


require 'softlayer_api'
require 'pp'

# fill your SoftLayer API username and API key

# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest
product_order = {
'complexType' => 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest',
'quantity' => 1,
# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest
'virtualGuests' => [
'hostname' => 'test-%s' % Time.now.strftime( '%F%T' ).gsub(/\D/, '' ),
'domain' => 'example.jp'
'location' => 168642, # NOTE: 168642 is 'sjc01' location ID
'packageId' => 46, # NOTE: 46 is 'Virtual Guests' package ID
'useHourlyPricing' => true,
'prices' => [
# Required Categories
{ 'id' => 1640 }, # 1640 -- 1 x 2.0 GHz Core
{ 'id' => 1644 }, # 1644 -- 1 GB
{ 'id' => 905 }, # 905 -- Reboot / Remote Console
{ 'id' => 272 }, # 272 -- 10 Mbps Public & Private Network Uplinks
{ 'id' => 1800 }, # 1800 -- 0 GB Bandwidth
{ 'id' => 21 }, # 21 -- 1 IP Address
{ 'id' => 13899 }, # 13899 -- 25 GB (LOCAL)
{ 'id' => 17446 }, # 17446 -- Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Minimal Install (64 bit)
{ 'id' => 55 }, # 55 -- Host Ping
{ 'id' => 57 }, # 57 -- Email and Ticket
{ 'id' => 58 }, # 58 -- Automated Notification
{ 'id' => 420 }, # 420 -- Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account
{ 'id' => 418 }, # 418 -- Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting

# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order
product_order_service = SoftLayer::Service.new( 'SoftLayer_Product_Order',
:username => api_username,
:api_key => api_key,

# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder
result = product_order_service.verifyOrder( product_order )
puts "The order was verified successfully"
rescue => error_reason
puts "The order could not be verified by the server: #{error_reason}"

# http://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder
result = product_order_service.placeOrder( product_order )
puts "The order was placed successfully"
rescue => error_reason
puts "The order could not be placed by the server: #{error_reason}"



The order was verified successfully
The order was placed successfully

次のようにslコマンドで Virtual Server が作成できたことが確認できました。

% sl vs list
: id : datacenter : host : cores : memory : primary_ip : backend_ip : active_transaction :
: XXXXXXX : sjc01 : test-20140514183858.example.jp : 1 : 1G : 108.168.XXX.XXX : 10.88.XX.XXX : Service setup :

% sl vs detail XXXXXXX
: Name : Value :
: id : XXXXXXX :
: hostname : test-20140514183858.example.jp :
: status : Active :
: active_transaction : Service setup :
: state : Running :
: datacenter : sjc01 :
: os : Ubuntu :
: os_version : 12.04-64 Minimal for VSI :
: cores : 1 :
: memory : 1G :
: public_ip : 108.168.XXX.XXX :
: private_ip : 10.88.XX.XXX :
: private_only : False :
: private_cpu : False :
: created : 2014-05-14T18:39:03+09:00 :
: modified : 2014-05-14T18:40:57+09:00 :
: vlans : :.........:........:........: :
: : : type : number : id : :
: : :.........:........:........: :
: : : PUBLIC : 16XX : 425XXX : :
: : : PRIVATE : 16XX : 425XXX : :
: : :.........:........:........: :


本記事では SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder および SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder を用いて、SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject で作成できるものと同じ Virtual Server を作成しました。
次回は SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject では行えないオプションつきの Virtual Server を作成してみます。


Chef・Docker・Mirantis製品などの技術要素に加えて、会議の進め方・文章の書き方などの業務改善にも取り組んでいます。「Chef活用ガイド」共著のほか、Debian Official Developerもやっています。

Daisuke Higuchiの記事一覧